Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for July 28, 2019

Reflection for July 28, 2019

The Lord's Prayer and the late-night visitor

We are called to persist in growing in God just as God persists in calling us

How loving and merciful is God? All three readings for Sunday give examples but let’s focus on the Gospel. After teaching the Lord’s Prayer to the disciples, Jesus tells the parable of the late-night visitor who goes to his neighbor and asks for bread. Initially, the neighbor resists but the caller persists and eventually the neighbor acquiesces.

There are several lessons to glean beginning with the most obvious: Our generous God wants us to be generous with each other. Another lesson is persistence – not only in our prayers but also in our relationship with God. Yes, the two are intertwined but sometimes our prayers are more like requests. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer we acknowledge God’s holiness, reign, generosity and forgiveness. How different are our prayers when we first recognize God’s command over all creation. How can we not speak Isaiah’s words: “Here I am. Send me.”  


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