Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI

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Reflection for July 28, 2024

Bread, broken and shared

Jesus' abundance is alive in our everyday acts  by Sister Francis Bangert The worst nightmare for any chef or food planner is to not have prepared enough food to feed a larger than expected crowd.... Read More

Reflection for July 21, 2024

Spiritual lessons

The Good Shepherd invites us to pause and hear His teachings by Sister Carolyn Zahringer The readings for this weekend are rather short, counting five or six verses each, but packed with... Read More

Reflection for July 14, 2024

Preaching love & faith for generations

Married couples are one example of Jesus' missioning by Sister Agnes Fischer And he sent them to preach two by two. (Mark 6:7) As he once sent the apostles, he now sends married couples to preach –... Read More

Reflection for July 7, 2024

Embracing our call

Each of us stands tall in God's grace by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich As I reflected on the Scriptures for this 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, words from the first reading from Ezekiel caught my eye... Read More

Reflection for June 30, 2024

"Talitha Kum: Arise!"

Jesus' words are our message to victims of human trafficking by Sister Sally Ann Brickner In today’s Gospel from St. Mark, Jesus compassionately heals a woman who suffers from a hemorrhage and also... Read More

Reflection for Sunday, June 23, 2024

Finding calm

Life's storms are calmed by Jesus by Sister  Mary Kabat As a child I enjoyed the family cottage on the Bay on Point Comfort Road.  You quickly learned that the Bay had a temperament of its own.  What... Read More

Reflection for June 16, 2024

Attraction, not promotion

Actions of discipleship grow the Kingdom of God by Sister Elise Cholewinski “Attraction, not promotion.” This is one of the slogans used by groups that follow the principles of the Twelve Steps. I... Read More

Reflection for June 9, 2024

Redefining family

As God's children we share in Christ's victory over evil  by Sister Laura Zelten The readings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time challenge us to expand our capacity to love and recognize the... Read More

Reflection for June 2, 2024

Embracing the gift of the Eucharist

 Corpus Christi    Sunday and National Eucharistic Congress  remind us of our Gospel call by Sister Ann Rehrauer On July 17-21, tens of thousands of American Catholics will converge on Lucas Oil... Read More

Reflection for May 26, 2024

Living God's Love

Embracing the Trinity means entering a relationship  by Sister Charlene Hockers God is Love -- we hear that message often, especially within the Gospel of John and also his letters. What does that... Read More