Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for April 25, 2021

Reflection for April 25, 2021

Common good

As Jesus cares for us, we are challenged to care for others

by Sister Agnes Fischer

Examen for shepherds and shepherdesses (parents, teachers, etc.):

Everything depends on how well I attend to the three characteristics of the “Good Shepherd” presented in today’s Gospel.

  1. The good shepherd gives his life for his sheep.
      *   How do I spend myself giving what is necessary for life, not only food, but also affection, good example, instruction, security, affirmation, …?

  2. The good shepherd knows her sheep.
      *   How well do I know my children’s capabilities, problems, qualities, dreams, aspirations …?

  3. The good shepherd is concerned about those sheep from other flocks.
      *   How well do I know my children’s friends, companions and schoolmates?
      *   Am I concerned about the needs of my employees or my work companions?
      *   What do I know about their families?

What kind of shepherd am I?


04/23/2021 6:10 am

I love the slant you took - a wonderful examen for all our relationships.

04/23/2021 6:32 am

Nice, thoughtful. Thank you, Shepherdess Agnes. :)

With Earth Week happening, I also think of Greta Thunberg as a Shepherdess of the Earth and Her many beautiful, precious resources. The three-part PBS Special, "GRETA THUNBERG: A YEAR TO CHANGE THE WORLD," reveals a young woman of deep sensitivity, empathy, and care, and true grit in her ability to speak truth to power.

I think of persons who shepherd those with Asperger's and on the Autism spectrum, beholding and understanding them as "ACCEPTIONAL MINDS" and honoring them and their families with that kind of respect, dignity, and care.

I think of persons who shepherd the dying, showing others how to release their beloved into the Eternal Embrace and Care of the One Good, Exceptional, and Excellent Shepherd-of-All.

I think of those who shepherd us into greater truth, who see connections within all of life, and with the beauty and wonder of a shared humanity within and among a vast and extraordinary diversity.

Yes, I see the Spirit of the Good Shepherd/Shepherdess alive in such as these, here, in this time and place.

Thank you, Sister Agnes, for helping make this Spirit, and this Presence real for us, in this world.

Father Bill Jacobs
04/23/2021 9:15 am

Absolutely beautifully done!

So many wonderful thoughts and ponderings..

Bless you for sharing this beautiful message.

My best to all the Good Sisters,

Father Bill

Donna Fischer Doffing
04/23/2021 11:18 am

Thank you for this reflection. I have found that being a good shepherd when you’re not feeling well is very difficult. Trying to help yourself when you need to take care of someone else is also difficult. So having my faith in a Loving caring God I ask for patients and lots of love. Somehow that works for me. I think of others that need to be contacted. I engage my husband in calling his brother. I keep in contact with my children. I believe the keyword is time is love with others.

Bobbie Reinhart
04/23/2021 5:07 pm

The owner of a local manufacturing company and my son the President, meet one a month with the new employees that were just hired. They bring in lunch and personally get to know them and hear about their families. I always thought that was so cool!!

04/23/2021 10:39 pm

Time to Shepard ourselves, others, and our beautiful planet! Thank you, Sr. Agnes.

04/25/2021 1:37 pm

Hi, Aggie,

Thanks for your reflection on the Good Shepherd. Good to ask what kind of shepherd am I?

I like your concise way of writing!

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