Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection of Sept. 27, 2020

Reflection of Sept. 27, 2020

A change of heart

Drawing closer to God is far more important than how you get there or when

by Renae Bauer

Any time is a good time for a change of heart.

That’s the hope I find in Sunday’s Gospel in which Jesus tells the parable of the two sons instructed to work in the vineyard. The first son says “no” but then works in the vineyard anyway; the second son says “yes” but fails to follow through. We know which son did the right thing.

Like the first son, how can we have a change of heart, a turning towards God? The Second Reading offers some ideas:

  • Be humble
  • Care about the well-being of others
  • Model Jesus’ example of following God’s words

If you long for a change of heart in yourself or someone else, keep persevering. God never gives up and neither should we.


Sr Laura
09/25/2020 7:44 am

Love the fact that God’s love always provided a way back home. That there are no dead ends. That we can always turn to God for mercy.

Father Bill Jacobs
09/25/2020 8:21 am

"Care about the well-being of others." Excellent suggestion! Great for Marriages & Families, etc. Also, our communities and neighborhoods should be thinking about this.....

Thanks for the thoughts!

Father Bill Jacobs

Irene Whatley
09/25/2020 9:26 am

I pray daily for family that needs to come back home to our Catholic faith. They are kind and thoughtful people and I believe will do so eventually.

09/26/2020 5:27 am

I appreciate your reflections. I also pray for families. They are the fabric of our society and are under tremendous stress in our world today. As a father, I pray that the lost children return home or at least reach out to their parents to let them know they are alive.

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