Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Sept. 4, 2022

Reflection for Sept. 4, 2022

What's at the center of life?

The grace of God brings us to Jesus

Sister Rose Jochmann

In today’s Gospel, Jesus issues a challenge for us. In order to be Jesus’ disciple, we have to renounce our possessions, family, and even our own lives. This admonition reminds us to make Jesus the focus in our lives. Sometimes things or persons can lead us away from Jesus. But God does provide the grace for us to make Jesus central in our lives. That grace can come through acquaintances, family, and events. We trust that God provides the grace to make Jesus central to our lives and in all we do.

In the United States we celebrate Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 5. We celebrate the ways our work can enhance our personal lives as we serve others through our labor. Below is an excerpt from a Labor Day Prayer from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Prayer for Labor Day

God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the worker.
Make a place in our hearts for compassion to the men and women
who labor tirelessly for basic necessities.
Ensure a place for the men and women who are struggling to find work.
Grant us your wisdom to greet and care for those  who are unable to work
due to illness or circumstances that prevent their participation.
Be with the children who are not able to run and play,
but instead must put in a hard day’s work
to help their family afford to eat, to live.
Be with us all, Christ Jesus, as we go about the busyness of our work.
Hold us accountable not only for our actions, but most importantly to each of our neighbors.
May we continue to work together to bring about your reign!
We ask this in your holy name, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.   
(USCCB - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)


Sister Laura
09/02/2022 10:31 am

Thanks Rose for the thought provoking ways we can be aware of Jesus’ call in our lives.

Keith M. Gonnering
09/02/2022 11:57 am

Very Nice reflection & Prayer for all........Thanks Sister Rose

Sr. Fran
09/03/2022 3:45 pm

Thanks, Rose, for recognizing grace in all those persons included in the Labor Day Prayer, who work in a variety of ways to make Jesus present to all of us.

Matthew Borowitz
09/03/2022 6:40 pm

I think that if our possessions, wealth and even ourselves become the center of our lives, there’s no room for Jesus to become the center of our being.

Worship God or worship “stuff.” We can’t do both.

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