Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Nov. 27, 2022

Reflection for Nov. 27, 2022

New perspective

As we grow and change, so does our understanding of Jesus

by Sister Elise Cholewinski

During these past few weeks I have had a special experience. I was invited to come to the Jesuit Retreat House at Oshkosh to assist in conducting a program called, “Meeting Christ in Prayer.” A group of 15 people have been gathering on Thursday evenings to learn about the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and to engage in faith sharing. During the week we commit ourselves to a time of prayer each day, meditating on the life of Christ. Many years ago, I made the Exercises over a period of eight months, so I was familiar with this kind of prayer. Surprisingly, practicing the Exercises again has led me to new insights about Jesus and to a much deeper understanding of Him and His life.

This weekend the Church enters into a new liturgical year. Throughout this year we will again walk through the life of Jesus, following Him according to the Gospel of St. Matthew. Why do we do this year after year? Why do we listen to the same story over and over? Isn’t it enough to hear it once?

We need to hear the Sacred Story repeatedly because our own story isn’t complete. As we continue to ponder the life of Christ, we contemplate it each year from a new perspective in our own lives. As we journey through the years, we develop and change, and we continually receive a deeper awareness of how the events in our lives correspond to events in the life of Christ. The more we allow His life and personality to merge with ours, the more we allow Him to write His history on the pages of our lives, the more clearly His light within us shines.

As this year unfolds, let us be aware of our call, revealed in the first reading of this Sunday’s liturgy (Isaiah 2:1-5). We, the Church, the Body of Christ, are called to live in a way that draws all people and nations to Jesus. Then “come, let us live in the light of the Lord”. Let us be transformed in Christ.   


Sister Sally Ann
11/25/2022 6:48 am

I love how you connect Sacred Scripture to your own life. How beautiful to be renewed though the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that draw us to deeper engagement with the Jesus Story as it intersects with our own! Thank you!

Rev. William J. Jacobs, Jr.
11/25/2022 9:13 am

Yes, Sister! Your first line was so special. Like a good Movie or a good Book, or an excellent Reflection like yours, we need to read it again and again, to harvest all the goodness that awaits us...

Wishing you and all the God Sisters a very enlightening and beneficial Advent Season.

In Appreciation, An older, but very caring - Father Bill Jacobs

P.S. I invite you & all the Sisters to join me in Prayer for my struggling Healthwise - Sister - Mary Lou Jacobs.

And, I continue to Pray for one of my all-time Gifts in my life - Your & My Sister Jeanette.

Debbie Tahany
11/26/2022 6:48 pm

I appreciate your insight of WHY we need to hear these readings over and over again. My own thoughts lately have included reflecting on how life changes us and how we grow and change in response to the events and people in our lives. Yes, WE need to hear the story as each of us is in 2023! More than the seasons change.

Thanks, Sr. Elise.

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