Before hearing the Gospel, one little gesture can make a big difference
Sister Carolyn Zahringer
We are beginning our preparations for the end of another liturgical year. We have journeyed all year through special seasons, important feasts and ordinary days. As we journeyed, we’ve had the opportunity to ponder many scripture texts.
Before the Gospel is proclaimed at Mass, many of us make a sign of the cross on our forehead, our lips, and our heart. Hopefully as we do this action we are growing in our awareness of what that means. It is a calling and a commitment to live and respond differently. We sign our forehead. Are we consciously asking the Lord to help us hear and respond to the “good news”? We sign our lips. Are we consciously asking the Lord to guide our speech to spread “good news” in a world so much in need of receiving it? We sign our heart. Are we conscious that our heart ought to propel us to respond with compassion?
Our faith tradition is steeped in signs and symbols that hold deep meaning. Are we interested in going deeper into the meaning presented in “plain sight”, but discovered below the surface? The invitation to go deeper is present. Do we hear it? Will we respond?
Happy journeying and discovering to us all!
I love these signs that remind us to be kind in thought, word, and deed as we gratefully navigate this adventurous journey.