Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for May 31, 2020

Reflection for May 31, 2020

Pentecost Sunday

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit allows us to receive and share  the blessings of God

by Renae Bauer

Receive and share.

These are the two messages on Pentecost Sunday. In the first reading, the apostles receive the Holy Spirit, allowing them to share the Good News in a multitude of languages. In the Gospel, Jesus breathes on the disciples. He then instructs them to receive the Holy Spirit and to share forgiveness with others.

Consider the image here. Christianity’s symbol for the Holy Spirit is a dove. Are the hands trying to receive the dove or share the dove? Or both? In your own life today, are you praying to receive or share? What does the green ribbon around the hands represent to you? What about the park bench?


Cindi K Brawner
05/29/2020 6:28 am

Very powerful and timely image, Renae. I will meditate on it all weekend.

Peace and blessings to you and all the Sisters.

05/29/2020 6:44 am

Sending forth ...... I "see" sending forth .... into all the world ..... all the earth ..... from the place of quiet rest (the park bench) .... the Spirit is sent forth .... to renew and ignite (the changing colors: yellows and golds, to oranges and reds).

Having 'worked with' Sr. Jeanne Jarvis in RENEW during the early '80's @ St. John the Baptist, Howard, upon seeing and reading her recent obituary, I was very much in-prayer with her, and in my heart I said, "Show me the way, Jeanne ..... Show me the way ....... Help us ......"

I was 'led' to inquire at the Jesuit Retreat House because of one of the on-line condolences comments. OMG -- what 'developments' have come through and from that one inquiry ...... that one 'prayer' 'with Jeanne .....'

I definitely will want to tell the Sisters 'all about it' sometime ...... :) The Spirit is being sent forth .... a-NEW ..... truly, truly, truly a-NEW ........

05/29/2020 8:25 am

The two hands, G O D's; the other, JESUS'. Byzantine Jesuit, Fr. George Maloney, SJ, brother to Vern who lived in Howard, lectored @ St. John the Baptist, (Sr. Jeanne, OMI's, RENEW, etc) "approaches the mystery of the Trinity as a dynamic movement of God toward us through His two hands ....." his book, "Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity."

The bench: “In returning and rest shall you be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength;" (Is.30:15); included in the weekly Episcopal liturgy of healing ...... which I have found to be so rich and beautiful ..... and wish Catholicism would have such prayers in their healing services ......

So much is speaking to me ....... 'the unity / wholeness / holistic beauty and goodness of the Holy Spirit ....'

Thank you ....... Gratias + Deo Gratias

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