by Sister Ann Rehrauer
The Scripture Readings this weekend and the commemoration of Memorial Day call us to remember the loss of ones we have loved and whose love enabled them to sacrifice their lives for others.
On Calvary, Jesus suffered and gave his life for the salvation of all people – for the friends and disciples who shared his life on earth, but also for those who would come after him. His love for us led him to great suffering, but his sacrifice ended in life eternal through the resurrection.
As he was returning to the Father, Jesus promised to send the Spirit, and commissioned his followers to do what he had done – to make disciples, to further the reign of God, and to teach others to live his example of love. And even though he was leaving the disciples, he promised to be with us always – until the end of time.
This, and every Memorial Day, we commemorate the sacrifice made by so many who gave their lives so that others might live in freedom and peace. They fought and died for family and friends, but also for all of us who would come after them. While their physical presence is no longer with us, their memory and their sacrifice lives on today in all that we enjoy.
This weekend, as we remember Jesus, our Savior, and all who died for others, we commit ourselves to live with gratitude and to work with the same dedication for the ideals of selflessness and sacrifice that Christ and our ancestors showed.
Wonderful correlation, thank you, Sr!
Not only the lives of those caught in war, whether as men and women in the armed services, or the many lives of children, families, communities who suffer and / or are killed through war, but I am remembering with deep gratitude those who give their lives to end war, those who give their lives for peace with justice, those who give their lives standing up for human and civil rights, those who give their lives speaking truth.
I thank Jesus every day w/my morning time w/ Him & scripture readings, then throughout the day by consciously thinking & thanking Him as I encounter particular this Memorial weekend.