Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for March 3, 2024

Reflection for March 3, 2024

Sacred souls

God's Temple is found in you and me

by Sister Agnes Fischer

Jesus was concerned that the Temple, the House of God, was being converted into a marketplace. Jesus loved the Temple as God’s home here among us. In announcing its destruction, he announced his own death and entrance into a new age in the history of salvation where his body would be the new Temple.

  • We, the baptized, form the Body of Christ. Therefore, we are the Temple of God.
  • Let’s not convert this Temple into a marketplace. So, let’s:
    • Give God the proper place in our lives.
    • Follow the teachings of our Master Teacher and pass them on to others.
    • Treat our neighbors as the Temples that they really are.
    • Live so that others will know and follow our Teacher because of us.


03/01/2024 10:02 am

Thanks, Aggie. I like the way you applied the Temple of God to all of us who form the Body of Christ. Good suggestions.

03/01/2024 10:40 am

Yes, it is so true, Laura and Aggie, that we must turn around all the dehumanizing and degradation of human beings that is so rampant today. Each person is created, fashioned, and formed "in the image and likeness of God," who is LOVE, LIFE, and LIGHT. People who refuse to recognize this, and thus, do not honor the dignity within each person, are "sick with sin."

When unhealed, wounded souls turn their hurt and pain into "hating" and "violating the dignity and rights of others," we, as followers of JESUS, are to stand up, speak out, and take action.

I think of persons like Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was shot and killed while holding up the Bread of Life at a Community Mass with the Poor, for speaking up against the corruption in political and church institutions in El Salvador during the '80's.

Like JESUS, giving his life for the "unseen" and "unheard" all around him, so, too, did Archbishop Romero, who is a declared martyr and saint in the Catholic Church. And like JESUS, Romero's spirit "rose up" within the People who loved and followed him to continue his work.

And Francis, too, shows us this same kind of conversion in his loving response to the leper, who was previously abhorrent to him. Francis encountered the Living Christ in that moment of deeply profound conversion.

03/01/2024 10:52 am

Thanks Aggie

Monica Sawyn
03/14/2024 10:31 am

Such seemingly simple things to do to keep ourselves, as temples of God, holy to him. We want him to dwell always within us so that as we move through the world, we bring his presence to others in a special way. Thank you for those thoughts!

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