Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for July 7, 2024

Reflection for July 7, 2024

Embracing our call

Each of us stands tall in God's grace

by Sister Lynne Marie Simonich

As I reflected on the Scriptures for this 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, words from the first reading from Ezekiel caught my eye and heart: “… the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet …”  (Ezekiel 2:2). Ezekiel heard the Lord’s call to be a prophet – to be moved to action and spread God’s word.

St. Paul’s words also echoed in my soul – “My grace is sufficient for you …”  We are offered God’s grace every moment of our lives.  Is that really all we need?

No one likes feeling unappreciated.  St. Mark tells us Jesus was not accepted as a prophet and was amazed at the lack of faith in those who knew him.  He faced rejection in his own home town by the people who knew him well.

Aren’t we all called to be “prophets” – to let the spirit into our souls and stand tall in God’s grace?  We all face struggles and times when we feel unappreciated.  That grace St. Paul talks about pulls us through.  Even when Jesus felt rejection he relied on God’s love and grace to continue his journey.  What more could we ask for?

Who has been a prophet in your life?  How did he or she influence your life?

How can you serve as a prophet, making God’s word present in this fractured world?



Diann Wimmer
07/05/2024 9:59 am

“… the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet …”

Thank you, Sr.Lynne, for pointing out this message as well as "My Grace is sufficient for you."

These words can be said and lived every day of our lives.

And I reflect on your final questions so appropriate for today.

Much gratitude for your reflection.

07/05/2024 10:47 am

I know the call is there to be Christ to others, but the energy is lacking to reach out. It is easier to withdraw and let others do the reaching. But that is not what Christ did and he is still saying,"come follow me" and the grace is sufficient. Thank you for your reflection, Sister Lynne.

07/08/2024 2:46 pm

“Would that all the Lord's people were prophets,” Moses replied when Joshua worried that others' prophesying might undermine Moses' authority (Numbers 11:29).

I know of no other time in History in which these words were more true.

How much we need the power of the Holy Spirit in new and bold ways today to stop evil intentions of those who seek their own selfish pursuits, and to speak and act for those who act for truth and justice.

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