Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for July 11, 2021

Reflection for July 11, 2021

Words and deeds

Preaching the Good News  happens every day in every action

by Sister Agnes Fischer

"And he sent them to preach two by two." ~ Mark 6:7

As he once sent the apostles, he now sends married couples to preach – two by two.  From their wedding day, they are sent to preach love. The preface of the wedding Mass says: “In the union of man and woman you have given us a true image of your love.”

  • As they celebrate anniversaries, married couples preach fidelity.
  • Married couples preach by teaching their children “everything that I have taught you” (Acts 20:35a).
  • As they age, they preach by passing on their Christian values and the family history to their grandchildren and by humbly accepting the assistance their children now offer them.

Can we come back to Jesus thrilled about our preaching success?


07/09/2021 7:15 am

Sister Agnes, How beautiful it is to 'wake up' this morning to your very refreshingly "new" message. You are the first person I have ever heard to relate this message of "two by two" apostleship as applying to husband and wife, and their family (including their children, in-laws, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.) To bear witness to the truth of love ... healing ... hope ... transformation ... within the context of 'family' is surely a much needed gospel 'assignment' and 'commissioning' these days.

And of course, to know healing, hope, and transformation implies to us that there is need for the sacred grace and holy gift of "repentance." Knowing when and how we have offended or harmed another is another great need today. Feeling regret and sorrow for that offense/harm is a special grace given to us so that we can "change, grow, become new creations," thereby affecting greater wholeness and fullness of life for all others in our family circle, that ever-widening "circle of life."

Francis of Assisi came to know repentance and conversion very well. They were his constant interior companions that he embraced and welcomed whole-heartedly so that he could ever-more know and 'become' the fullness of God's power and grace.

"JESUS gave them authority ... So they [the Twelve] went off and preached repentance." (Mk. 6:7; 12)

Yes, I hear in this Sunday's gospel a follow-up to last Sunday's: first Ezekiel is sent to a "rebellious house," then JESUS returns to his own hometown for his 'first experience' of 'preaching to his own ...' (Ez 2:2-5; Mk. 6:1-6)

This week, JESUS passes on this preaching authority to 'the Twelve ...' The number Twelve signifies God's power, authority, completeness. The number twelve is found 187 times in Scripture, with 22 in the Book of Revelation. The number twelve signifies an everflowing connection with the powers of the universe, God's whole and holy creation.

"Well done, Sister Agnes!" :) Thank you for "seeing" and "hearing" this gospel in a new light! And for sharing that new awareness, insight, and understanding with us! It helps us all!

Sister Laura
07/09/2021 7:25 am

Thanks Aggie, as a College Campus Minister I am invited to many weddings. Your reflection is a great piece to share with them. Let us all be joyful witness of God’s love.

07/09/2021 3:02 pm

I like the way you used "two by two" to reflect on marriage! Good reflection!

Father Bill Jacobs
07/10/2021 1:55 pm

Dear Good Sister!

Thanks so very, very much for your wonderful Reflection. I still do "Wedding Preparation" at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Portage - just outside Kalamazoo, Michigan. I have three couples right now - I'm going to share your Reflection with them.

God Bless you & all the Good Sisters!

In Appreciation!

Fr. Bill Jacobs

Marge Larry
07/13/2021 10:04 am

Thank you for the wonderful reflection Aggie. As a couple married for 61 years, I hope we have lived up to

passing our Christian values on to our children and Grandchildren. It is a job I enjoy every day.

Sent with love

Your Sister,


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