Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Jan. 5, 2025

Reflection for Jan. 5, 2025

Guided by light, called to shine

The mystery of the Epiphany call us to be light to the world

by Sister Jane Riha

On Sunday, we will celebrate a feast that is as significant as Christmas.  With the Feast of the Epiphany, we enter mystery and intrigue as we hear the Gospel story of the Magi.  The focus and depth of the story is about light penetrating darkness.  Epiphany means “manifestation” that is Jesus is manifested as the King of Kings in this Gospel. 

Who were these men who followed a star and astrology to the city of Bethlehem?  The Maji were definitely astute, wise men.  They came from the East which could have been Persia or Babylon or Arabia. Later, the idea that the Maji were kings entered the Christian tradition.  We more often speak of three kings because of the three gifts brought to the Child Jesus.

This Gospel brings other races, other cultures, other customs into the Christmas story.  The Magi are not the local people of Bethlehem, Judea.   They come from afar.   According to the Gospel, they are guided by the light of the stars.   The world at that time experienced the darkness of oppression and poverty not unlike the world we live in today.

What does this feast signify for us in our current world?   What does this feast mean to you personally?   The most important part of listening to and reading the Scriptures is to apply them to our daily lives.   We each have the potential to bring light into our corner of the world.   By doing so, we also manifest the light of Christ seeking to touch the hearts of others with God’s love.


01/03/2025 8:52 am

Great message. There are struggles in many places today but focusing on the right “light” brings tremendous guidance.

01/03/2025 9:31 am

Appreciate the reminder that when kings appear in our lives as messengers, they are often in situations and places we would not expect. Time for quiet and prayer hopefully helps us not miss them. Thanks, Sr. Jane.

Diann Wimmer
01/03/2025 10:40 am

Thank you for the beautiful reflection on the glory of LIGHT and where it can lead us. And the LIGHT came to the poor shepherds as well as to the wealthy Magi. Jesus came as light for everyone.

SR Rose Jochmann OSF
01/03/2025 3:19 pm

Thank you for your reflections comparing it to today when we are welcoming "people from afar". Good questions to reflect on what this feast means for each of us personally. How do we bring light to where we are?

Sister Ruth Ann
01/04/2025 8:43 am

This feast signifies for me how broad God's love is...reaching out to rich and poor alike. I ponder what GIFTS I bring!

01/04/2025 10:29 am

Beautiful reflection that once again includes the number 3! As the Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, these three Kings bring us hope, faith and light ( love).

Let your little light shine in your life.

Happy New Year.

Lawrence J Jandrin
01/08/2025 10:41 am

very interesting and informative.

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