Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Jan. 26, 2020

Reflection for Jan. 26, 2020

A message of unity

St. Paul implores Christians -- then and now -- to be united

by Renae Bauer

Sunday’s second reading caught my attention. It’s the beginning of Paul’s letters to the church of Corinth in which he states in plain terms that we Christians are to be united with each other AND in Christ. He writes, “agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you. … Is Christ divided?”

We live in times that feel very divided but if I look for unity I can see my Christian brothers and sisters working together. Different denominations are co-sponsoring a food pantry in the area, hosting prayer events throughout the year, and helping to shelter people who are without.

How will I take Paul’s words to heart? What words and actions of mine let others know that Christians are united in their love of Christ, His mission, and His people?


Sister Laura
01/24/2020 7:59 am

Renae, this is a beautiful reflection. Thank you. For me it is to witness as a disciple of Jesus in prayer, fostering attitudes of holiness, to share life, faith, and encouragement with others and share the good news of God’s love in word and deed.
01/24/2020 10:28 am

Good reflection for our time. We need to work together to do good.

Randy Miller
01/27/2020 6:01 am

Greetings Sister Renae,

Your comments hit close to home for me. As a Catholic married to a Lutheran with 4 grown children we raised Lutheran, I have lived this daily. We need Unity not Division today in our world and my family is living proof this can be done. God Bless you and the Sisters. Please pray for all my extended families.


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