Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Dec. 11, 2011

Reflection for Dec. 11, 2011

Related article:
Advent Minute

by Sister Carolyn Zahringer

At this point, we have passed through half of our Advent journey to Christmas.  How has it unfolded? How are the changes in the mass catching our attention?

The readings this weekend urge us to be joyful.   Each text focuses us on "JOY."  Isaiah proclaims: "I rejoice heartily in the Lord…"  The responsorial uses the song of Mary's heart: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior…"  St. Paul urges us to "Rejoice always…"  John the Baptist in the Gospel points to Jesus as the focus for our JOY.  WOW!

I offer an Advent "Prayer Before Reading the Word" for your preparation to break open God's Word each of these final days leading to Christmas. It is written for the "I" to become an "us".

"Sustain us, O God on our Advent journey as we go forth to welcome the One who is to come.  Plant within our hearts your living Word of promise, and make haste to help us as we seek to understand what we went out to see in the Advent wilderness:  your patience nurturing your saving purpose to fulfillment, your power in Jesus making all things new.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.  Amen." (Source: At Home with the Word, LTP)

Thanks, Carolyn for offering us the Prayer before reading the Word! Blessings on you during Advent!

Thank you Sister Carolyn for reminding me of the JOYFUL / REJOICING in our readings this weekend, something to remember and live the balance of this Advent.

Hi Carrie--Thanks for the special Prayer before reading the Word this week. I need this reminder as the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder and the snow REJOICE!


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