Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Aug. 25, 2019

Reflection for Aug. 25, 2019

Giving everything for the narrow gate

Like an athlete, am I attentive to what's important, to what God is calling me?

by Renae Bauer
Communications Director

In Sunday’s Gospel, when asked if only a few people will be saved, Jesus says, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

A few words and phrases stand out:

  • “strive” – Am I trying (wholeheartedly, not halfheartedly) to find my way to Jesus?
  • “many will attempt” – Salvation is freely given by God. Do I fully accept it? Do I love God with all my heart? Do I love my neighbors and enemies? Are my eyes focused on the things of this world or those of the next?
  • “not be strong enough” – Like an elite athlete in training, an authentic Christian lifestyle permeates our time, our budget, our thoughts, our words, our actions.  What work do I need to do?


Sister Donna Koch
08/23/2019 11:34 am

Nice reflection and probing questions, Renae. Thank you.

Al Herrman
08/23/2019 12:31 pm

Good thoughts & directions to try to live upon.

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