Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for April 29, 2012

Reflection for April 29, 2012

Readings emphasize the power and endurance of love

by Sister Jacqueline Capelle

This week's readings make me feel like there is a lot of love going on.  First, Acts tells us of the event of Peter curing a cripple in the name of Jesus.  Jesus loves Peter and his deep faith.  Jesus loves the cripple, shown by curing the cripple and restoring him, giving him the right to enter the Temple.

Second, in John's Gospel we become immersed in the love of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (us).  This is an act of total loving self-sacrifice.  Jesus has done this for us.  He gave his life in death for us so we will rise to life with Him.  This is the message of John's Gospel this week.  Jesus, the Son of God, is the source of eternal life.

Reflection questions:

Thanks, Jackie! Yes, there is a lot of love going around and you have shown that for the people you come into contact and for me! Love, Paulette

Your reflection was very much" to the point" Thank you, Jackie.

Jackie--You have surely helped spread love by your untiring and creative efforts to educate those in our society who are less fortunate...the Hmong, those with disabilities, and many others. You are an inspiration to me.


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