Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for June 7, 2020

Reflection for June 7, 2020

The great mystery

Trinity Sunday  emphasizes a tenet of our faith we say every day

by Sister Ann Rehrauer

This weekend’s feast celebrates one of the central mysteries of our faith – our belief in One God who is a Trinity of Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. While some of the other doctrines of our faith can be deduced from things around us or experiences in life – the mystery of the Trinity is clearly made known to us through divine revelation – through the words of Scripture.

Throughout his life, Jesus prayed to his Father – so we know that the Father is a separate person who shares the divine nature with Jesus, the Son. And in John’s Gospel we heard Jesus promise to send the Spirit as an advocate for us – so we know the Spirit is separate from, but sharing the divine nature with the Father and the Son.

While we struggle to understand how this one-ness of being and three-ness of persons happens, and find it even more difficult to explain, the mystery of the Trinity is at the very basis of our faith.  Each of us was baptized “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” As we begin our formal prayers, we do so “in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Even the greeting at Mass contains the prayer for the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to be with us. In our personal prayer we sometimes call upon the Father; sometimes we speak directly to Jesus; and at other times we ask inspiration from the Spirit.

This weekend, even though I have more time for reflection, I’ll allow theologians to grapple with explanations and doctrinal language to explain this great mystery. I’ll simply be grateful that in my life I have the words and actions of Jesus, the Son, to follow, the love of the Father who continues to give me life to sustain me, and the inspiration and gifts of grace from the Spirit to help me live as God’s beloved daughter. May our prayer be often:

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen

Reflection question

In your prayer to which member of the Trinity do you most often direct your thoughts?


Mary Graczyk
06/05/2020 6:36 am

Excellent reflection this morning! Job well done.

Jean Mauthe
06/05/2020 7:29 am

Most of the time my prayers do go to Jesus.

Sister Ann, thank you so much for today's reflection. I especially love your last paragraph: “I’ll simply be grateful...” Beautiful words and images come to mind.

Also, thank you to all for putting on last night's Silence and Sunset . Very nice talk by Sister Elise and beautiful pictures: I missed being there tho. It just isn’t the same. Prayers for all of you.

06/05/2020 9:51 am

"the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit ..." It's interesting how inter-changeable these noun-verbs are. We could say, "the fellowship of JESUS, grace of G O D, and love of the Holy Spirit." And we could say, "the love of JESUS, the friendship of G O D, and the grace of the Spirit." Yes, the Three Presences share the same roles and actions, just in different forms.

It's kind of like stepping outside and catching a most beautiful fragrance. "Something" is in the air. I don't know 'what' it is, exactly, or 'where' it's coming from, but its aroma is definitely wafting, filling the air. (That's 'Spirit') My intrigue and curiosity leads me to follow, to search and to find 'where' this beautiful fragrance is coming from, and 'what' it is. In my pursuit, I discover a tree with tiny, little goldish-yellow and white 'ends.' The fragrance is stronger, the nearer I get to this tree. I reach the tree and pull a low branch to smell these little buds. Sure enough! I learn it is a honeysuckle tree! (The physical body of 'the tree' is JESUS)

I am in awe-and-wonder-filled contemplation, as I remain in the presence of this honeysuckle tree. And I am examining it more closely, the intricacies of the blossomed, seeded ends. The strength and sturdiness of its large, tall trunk ... and contemplating, too, all that goes on within the trunk and branches to keep it healthy and growing. (This LIFE-SOURCE - seeding and growing all of Life, and Life-systems, is G O D)

That entire encounter with fragrance, physical reality, and Source-of-All is for me, like an experience of 'Trinity.'

Diann Wimmer
06/05/2020 2:06 pm

Sr. Ann, you respond so thoughtfully to MYSTERY. Thank you for your humble gratitude on this feast of the Holy Trinity.

My favorite Trinitarian art is The Trinity by Andrew Rublev wherein we, the viewers, are invited to enter into the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Imagine the grace to live in such a community!

Blessings on this Feastday and always.

Irene Whatley
06/05/2020 2:21 pm

As a youngster I was bothered that I could not understand what was meant by the Trinity. After I was told about that a mystery could not be necessarily explained I relaxed and embraced Mystery.

Father Bill Jacobs
06/05/2020 3:27 pm

Beautiful thoughts, Sister! I remember a Story about a Religion Teacher of High School Students - she asked her students to write a Paper on which Person of the Trinity they turned to most. The answers were incredibly insightful. One adopted God the Father, because he never had a real Father in his life' Another adopted Jesus as her Brother because she and her real Brother had been separated when her Parents divorced; Another lad chose the Holy Spirit to help him discern what should be his major in College - he thought those seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit would steer him. Thanks for your Super Thoughts, Sister. I enjoyed them very much.

A Greatful Fan of these Reflections! Father Bill

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