by Sister Agnes Fischer
When we read Sunday’s Gospel we usually think of the gifts of the Magi, and maybe we aren’t very aware of the gift King Herod gave them (and us) when he told them to go and investigate about this child.
It was truly a gift because, following Herod’s advice, the Magi sought and found the Child and his Mother (another gift).
Herod’s gift wasn’t only for the people of that time but also for us who read this Gospel and follow his advice: “Go and investigate about this child.”
If we succeed in our simple and sincere investigation we will find life eternal because Jesus Himself told us that life eternal consists in knowing the Father and knowing Him whom the Father sent.
So we can thank King Herod for his advice and continue throughout the year to investigate what the Gospel tells us about this new King.
Happy New Year Sisters!
Thank you Sister Agnes.
A simple but powerful message. Thanks Sr!...and Happy 2016!
Thanks for the weekly reflections. They are greatly appreciated.
Happy and Peace filled 2016.
Sr. Agnes this short reflection said so much. Thank you for opening my eyes to Herod's words. Happy New Year to all of the wonderful sisters!
Thanks, never would have thought of that.
Very nice reflection. Thanks Ag.
Interesting "twist" on the story of the Magi and King Herod. Never thought about his telling the Magi to go and seek Jesus as a gift to us.
Thanks, Aggie, for again giving the Scripture a 'new twist". Your gift to us.
I never looked at the story from that point of view. Thanks for opening my eyes to see the reading in a new way.
Thank you so much for helping "see" in a new way! I'll need to think about some other things in life that I haven't seen as a gift!