Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Dec. 8, 2019

Reflection for Dec. 8, 2019

A fresh perspective on the Immaculate Conception

What can we learn from Mary's parents, Anne and Joaquim?

by Sister Agnes Fischer

Because a Sunday of Advent takes precedence over a feast, the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on Monday, Dec. 9.

Mary, under this title, is the patroness of our country and also of my adopted country, Nicaragua, where the feast is called Purisima and is celebrated for eight days. Therefore, I would like to reflect:

  • Did Anne and Joaquim realize the treasures that were given to their care in their daughter, Mary, and in their Grandson?
  • Did they realize they had brought into existence someone greater than anyone or anything created up to this point?
  • Did they realize that, as they taught Mary her catechism, she would one day teach those same truths to the Son of God?
  • What kind of parents, grandparents or neighbors would we be if we had lived next door to this family? What kind are we now?

Dear Joaquim and Anne, you were truly twice blessed to have Mary as your daughter and Jesus as your grandson. Help grandparents to know just where their duties lie in any particular situation and to carry them out as best they can.

Keep all of us in your loving care and help us to receive the joy of entering into your Grandson’s glorious presence forever. Amen.


Father Bill Jacobs
12/06/2019 6:44 am

What a beautiful way to enter into this weekend and special Feast Day on Monday. I so appreciate getting these Reflections. They give me "pause" as I prepare for my own weekend Homily!

May God Bless all the Good Sisters!

In Christ's Never-ending Love,

Father Bill Jacobs

Sister Laura
12/06/2019 7:45 am

Thanks Aggie for a beautiful reminder of those people who surrounded Jesus with love.

12/06/2019 8:04 am

Good reflection Sis

12/06/2019 8:55 am

Beautiful thoughts to ponder. Thank you Sister.

Irene Whatley
12/06/2019 9:10 am

Dear Sister,

You truly got me to thinking, what kind of Grandmother am I? Am I a good influence on my children and their children? Do they know of my love for Jesus and His church?

Dave and Lola Daniels
12/06/2019 10:58 am

As parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents we enjoyed your prayer for Joaquim and Anne!

12/06/2019 11:56 am

Having lived both the experience of "parent," and "grandparent," I offer the following viewpoints, gleaned from living -- and praying -- through heartaches, hurts, and sufferings as the result of being 'parent' and 'grandparent,' as well as some pretty amazing and awesome encounters with joy and gladness because of my parent-and-grandparenthood. ** Every child is a "first born;" every child is a "last born --" never, ever to be another. ** There is no birth or no child "greater" or "lesser" than another.

** The spirit of faith is not taught, as a question-answer catechism, but is "caught," that is "passed on through the spirit-of-living-in-ordinary, everyday grace." JESUS expressed this as "living the spirit-of-the-Law (which is LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS), as opposed to straining and stressing ourselves to "live the letter-of-the-law," which is a form of legalism and idolatry, and is not rooted in LOVE, but in ego.

I further refer the reader to learn about and develop compassion toward children who are more and more frequently being diagnosed with learning or behavior disabilities, in whatever 'form' they come. In really listening to, learning from, and understanding others, who experience life differently than we do, we begin to move toward truly "loving," instead of judging or labeling others. We must pay attention to the Cries of the Children today. They are telling us something we need to hear, just as surely as the star above the homeless babe, has been telling us something all these years.

"St. Nicholas, Teach us How to Love Generously, from the Very Heart of All-Love-Life-Light, as you did."

12/06/2019 1:53 pm

Nice way to remember Our Blessed Mother....and don't forget our sister Ruth on this day.........

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