Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Dec. 29, 2019

Reflection for Dec. 29, 2019

Feast of the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph show us how to make room for God's plan

by Renae Bauer

Being in a relationship – married, vowed, friendship, parent/child, etc. – requires sacrifice. As we celebrate the Holy Family on Sunday may we admire the examples of Jesus, Mary and Joseph who set aside their own plans in order to make room for God’s.

  • Through the angel Gabriel, God informs Mary that she will bear the Son of God. Though troubled, Mary responds, “May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).
  • Through an angel, God visits Joseph – “a righteous man” (Mt. 1:19) -- and instructs him to take Mary as his wife even though she is already with child, a child conceived of the Holy Spirit, a child who will save God's people (Mt. 1:18-21).
  • Through an angel, God strengthens His Son Jesus as Jesus prays “not my will but yours” (Luke 22:42-43).

God has a plan for you and me. May we recognize and answer God’s call with great trust and confidence.

Holy Family Jesus Mary Joseph Nativity




12/27/2019 7:31 pm

I love the way Jesus is looking at Joseph! There is so much love given to us through the beautiful Holy Family!

12/28/2019 3:06 pm

I see Trinitarian Love -- Father, Mother, Child. If all infants and children could know this love ........ As that is for what we have been created ..... by, for, with, and through holy love. Can we, ourselves, help this hurting -- and hurtful world know this love? I think we each must first of all, come to know that this Loving Mother-God, this Loving Father-God, and this Holy Christ-Child live inside of us --- each and every one of us! When we come to KNOW that, we can intentionally, through deep prayer and practice (the Prayer-and-Practice of KNOWING) become 'That ......'

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