Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI

O come, let us adore him

O come, let us adore him
Our Savior breaks through the darkness to become our light

by Sister Laura Zelten

Christmas candles and winter in North America make it easy to visualize the Gospel of John’s description of Jesus as a light shining in the darkness.

In this same Gospel, John describes Jesus as the Word    of God from the beginning of all time. John tells the people that Jesus always was and always will be. He even goes into some detail about what this “Word” will do – Jesus will testify to the Light but some will not believe or accept him.

What do you believe? On this Christmas day, I invite you to pause from cooking, baking, traveling and so on for 10-15 minutes and ask yourself:

  1. Who is Jesus Christ to me?
  2. Who is Jesus for me?
  3. Is He real to me or is Jesus simply a character in the Gospels?

Jesus is here with us! It is our choice to open our door to him. If we open our hearts and our minds, Jesus will be born in us today and every day. What a wonderful gift to receive each day!

Today we celebrate the Light of the World who has come among us.  He is born in the night with his own star shining above him.  He lies in the dimness of the manger, the same God who led the Israelites through the desert with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  He has come to bring his people from darkness to light.  As we gaze into the manger, at the tiny creature who is given to us as a light to the nations, we can only whisper, “O come, let us adore him.”


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