Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Jan. 15, 2023

Reflection for Jan. 15, 2023

Becoming One

Sunday's readings  guide us to grow in Jesus' ways 

by Sister Elise Cholewinski

“You mean we just melt into each other?” I have been tutoring a young boy, catching him up on the religious education he has missed for a few years, and this is the question he asked me when we were discussing how we identify with Jesus at Baptism.

A special experience I had during the past month was directing a women’s Advent retreat. Our focus on the retreat was the story of the Epiphany, and in particular, on the star that guided the magi. Several of the women were wondering where the star was leading them, the women,  at this point in their lives. We concluded that God’s invitation, symbolized by the star, is not about what we are to do but about who we are to become. Ultimately that Star is the Person of Jesus and we are to allow that Star to reside within ourselves.

In the first reading for this Sunday’s liturgy the Lord says through the prophet Isaiah, “I have made you a light to the nations” (Isaiah 49:6). It isn’t enough to gaze upon Jesus, to admire Him, to imitate Him, or even to walk in His light. What we believe outwardly needs to be internalized; we are called to become Jesus.

As John the Baptist, in today’s Gospel (John 1:29-34), reflects on Jesus’ baptism and testifies that He is the Son of God, so we need to reflect on our own baptism and witness to Him whom we are spending our lifetime becoming. As Jesus and we “melt into each other”, what a burst of light is shed upon the world!


Cheryl Mueller
01/13/2023 8:57 am


Thank you for being open to the Spirit and sharing your wisdom. I love the idea of "melting into each other". Sometimes it is hard to feel that but the imagery is strong.

01/13/2023 10:56 am

Love that it is not enough to imitate Jesus but that we have to become him.

Sr. Charlene
01/13/2023 11:19 am

This message is profound! The star being Jesus and we "melting into each other" will take some reflection and grace.

Diann Wimmer
01/13/2023 1:49 pm

Thank you, Elise, for this invitation to be with Jesus and that we "melt into each other".

Since I've been centering on the quote, "Christ must increase and I must decrease", it led me to realize that there needs to be a considerable presence of Christ in my life. Beautiful reflection!

01/13/2023 4:04 pm

Good connection with Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus.

I, too, like the idea of "melting into each other".

01/14/2023 9:43 am

I’m always asking Jesus where he needs me to spread his light to others. So many opportunities if we look outside ourselves and bring his healing love to the world.

Rev.. William Jacobs, Jr.
01/16/2023 5:22 am

Thank you for the beautiful examples in your response that illustrate our roles in day-to-day living.

Thanks so very much to all the Good Sisters who expressed sympathy in the Jacobs's Family losing their Dear Mary Lou.

I feel Heaven is now a better place. Our earthly dwelling is a little less than before.

In God, We Trust! Father Bill

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