Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Cross in Green Bay, WI
Reflection for Sept. 21, 2014

Reflection for Sept. 21, 2014

God's peace and generosity is offered to all

by Sister Jacqueline Capelle

Today's Gospel tells us the story of a peaceful and generous vineyard owner. When it was time to harvest the grapes, he went out many times during the day to hire workers. At the end of the day he paid all the workers the same amount. The people were overcome with amazement. The owner of the vineyard was a generous and peaceful person.

Sunday is International Day of Peace. We are seeing more and more violence in our world. To end this we start with ourselves -- each of us has to ask ourselves if we are leading a life of violence. If we say "yes" then we must unlearn the ways of violence and cultivate nonviolence. If we each do this, we can make steps to change our violent world. On International Day of Peace, find one way to bring nonviolence into your life, such as attending our Peace Vigil, and encourage those you know or live with to do the same.

Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth.
Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust.
Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace.
Let peace fill my heart, my world, my universe.


We will have a Peace Vigil in our convent chapel also.


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